Saturday, December 10, 2016

Hairloss causes and Easy Solutions

Hairloss causes and Easy Solutions

Every day when the hair, have to lose some hair, which is metabolic phenomenon, the average daily out of dozens of hair is normal.

Early spring and autumn season, women due to the secretion of hormones, the physiological condition is not easy to maintain balance, sometimes one day out of 100 root hair do not have to worry about.

However, if these circumstances, hair loss is much larger than this number, it should cause attention. In general, the female hair loss of the main reasons are the following aspects:

General reasons for hair loss:

1. postpartum pregnancy when the body secrete a lot of female hormones, so the hair has sufficient growth hormone. The postpartum because of a sudden decrease in hormone secretion, hair will naturally fall off, but this phenomenon in the postpartum 6 months or so will return to normal.

2. high fever will damage the hair root tissue, so that a large number of hair loss, especially persistent high fever, damage to the hair root is particularly severe, but after 6 months or so can return to normal.

3. Pressure Modern society, the accelerated pace of life and the fierce competition, people can easily bear the increasingly heavy pressure. According to the study, stress and hair loss are closely related, but also accelerate the aging of people, so that wrinkles increase. In this regard, the only solution is to remove the burden in a timely manner, so that their complete relaxation.    

4. Dieting Diet to the lack of adequate nutritional supplements hair, such as the lack of iron intake of the hair, it will be yellow without Ze, the final result will inevitably lead to a large number of hair loss. Therefore, to balance nutrition, do not blindly diet to lose weight.

5. Contraceptive pills long-term use of contraceptives, women will appear hair loss phenomenon, once the stop taking, hair loss symptoms can disappear.

6. perm, hair frequently frequent perm and bleaching and dyeing, hair damage and even fall off. Therefore, not perm too frequent or abuse of hair dye.

7. hair style too tight ponytail, sheep braid and tails and twist the hair bundle tightly, long-term damage to the hair root will cause hair loss.

8. Diseases affect certain diseases or congenital diseases caused by excessive sebaceous gland secretion or changes in the nature of the sebaceous glands can cause hair loss.    
In addition, for female hair loss areas are mostly concentrated in the forehead and on both sides, hair stylist recommends not to force the comb to pull back to the hair, hair time not too long, or easily damage the natural protective layer of hair, dry hair easily broken.

To solve the problem of hair loss methods are:

1. Drug treatment. Select the appropriate effective pure Chinese medicine shampoo, is also of great help.
2. Surgical hair.
3. Wear a wig.
4. Appropriate hair care and hair.
5. Add iron. Often hair loss in the body often iron deficiency. Iron-rich foods are soybeans, black beans, eggs, octopus, shrimp, cooked peanuts, spinach, carp, bananas, carrots, potatoes and so on.
6. Supplement of plant protein. Hair dry, split hair, you can eat soybeans, black sesame, corn and other foods.
7. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits with alkaline substances.
Hair loss and hair yellow one of the factors is due to blood acidic toxins,
The reason is physical and mental fatigue, long-term consumption of pure sugar and fatty foods, so that in vivo metabolic process to produce acid toxins. Liver, meat, onions and other foods in the acidic substances easily lead to excessive blood acid toxins, so to eat less.  
8. Add iodine quality.
Hair luster and the role of the thyroid, iodine can enhance the secretion of thyroid function,
Is conducive to hair fitness. Can eat kelp, seaweed, oysters and other food.
9. Vitamin E supplementation. Vitamin E can resist hair aging, promote cell division, hair growth. Can eat fresh lettuce, cabbage, black sesame seeds and so on.

Hair loss in a certain amount is normal, especially in the fall. But over a certain amount is a human sub-health performance, hair is raised by the fine blood, blood gas is not strong, as the soil is not fat, the crops are not lush, hair is not dense, easy to fall off. However, the reason should be distinguished, is the outside world: such as exposure to chemicals, hair, perm.

Is the pathological: such as a serious illness. Is psychological: such as mental stress, emotional stimulation and so on. In short, hair loss is an internal response. Note that diet, pay attention to work and rest, pay attention to mood, pay attention to exercise (speed up the blood circuit) there to strengthen the external hair care, such as: hair with nutrition, repair shampoo, when it comes to shampoo, Hair shampoo is good, a lot of people around the use of good feedback.

Do not know if you can find authentic, I seem to remember QQ is 108001650, you can add friends to ask. Shampoo wash the best two to three days. Let the hair dry naturally. There is also a way to use an egg coated in the washed hair, slightly after the magic after the wash, egg white is a protein, hair is not good is the lack of protein, which is the body's new metabolism into the lack of toughness.
Finally, I wish you all have a healthy black hair.

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