Sunday, December 11, 2016

Changing Shampoo With Hair loss ?

Changing Shampoo With Hair loss ?

reasons for hair loss often replace shampoo, you often "grass is always greener" constantly replace shampoo, I have always felt in a shampoo no effect? Well, you have to be careful hair loss Oh.

  Some people often need to change the product once every month, all of which are new products just listed. In fact, every replacement shampoo, it will bring physical stimulation of the scalp

  •   First, the shampoo and shampoo PH value between the different
  •   Secondly, the formula and additives are not the same. Plant components and chemical composition content is difficult to determine.

  Our scalp shampoo to adapt to the process, we have been using alkaline shampoo, scalp has been adapted, and suddenly replaced by acidic, will cause irritation of the scalp, causing hair loss.

  Shampoo is not the same between the formulations, there are chemical composition of plant components, we are not suited to the new formula is also easy to damage the hair, or exacerbate hair loss.
  Every day hair loss, each person's hair is about 100,000, 50 to 100 per day of hair loss is normal, but if too much or long hair loss every day, is abnormal.

Sexual excess can cause hair loss

Sexual excess can cause hair loss

Sexual excess will lead to hair loss ? Sexual excess can indeed cause hair loss, but after conditioning, the hair off will grow out slowly, and will not cause bald. Experts said that excessive sexual life refers to the body under the control of drugs or psychological stimulus, in the case of the body does not support the unconventional increase in the number of sex caused.

  Normal sexual life makes people feel happy, the next day in full swing. If the number of sex more than conventional, and there was a whole body fatigue, sweating and other symptoms, can be regarded as sex life over.

  For people who live too much, you can use Chinese medicine conditioning:
  First, drink wolfberry red dates porridge and red bean porridge. Chinese wolfberry red dates porridge when the supper to eat, there is peace of mind, the function of heart and kidney; and red adzuki bean porridge sweet acid with heat and water, scattered blood swelling effect.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Foods That Can Prevent Hair Loss

Foods That Can Prevent Hair Loss

  1, added iron

  Often hair loss in the body often iron deficiency. Iron-rich foods are soybeans, black beans, eggs, octopus, shrimp, cooked peanuts, spinach, carp, bananas, carrots, potatoes and so on.

  2, supplementary plant protein

  Hair dry, split hair, you can eat soybeans, black sesame, corn and other food.

  3, eat alkaline foods with fresh vegetables and fruits

  Hair loss and hair yellowing is one of the factors due to acidic toxins in the blood, because physical and mental fatigue, long-term over-consumption of pure carbohydrates and fatty foods, so that in vivo metabolic process produce acid toxins. Liver, meat, onions and other foods in the acidic substances easily lead to excessive blood acid toxins, so to eat less.

  4, added iodine

  Hair luster and the role of the thyroid, iodine can enhance the secretion of thyroid function, is conducive to hair fitness. Can eat kelp, seaweed, oysters and other food.

Female 6 anti-hair loss method

Female 6 anti-hair loss method

  1, with a shampoo before the first play foam

  Before shampooing, first comb to the hair, scalp between the dirt, this can reduce the amount of shampoo. Shampoo in the palm of your hand first to make a rich bubble and then smear on the hair.

  2, massage to relax the scalp

  Scalp hair is the growth of the "soil", if the scalp feels dry and hard, the hair will be the lack of nutrition, resulting in loss. Massage the scalp to help relax and promote blood circulation, thereby preventing hair loss. Massage the pulp with the appropriate force, about to push back and forth to rub the whole scalp, do at least 15-20 minutes a day.

  3, with a hair dryer, seven or eight into dry when cold

  Wet hair is easy to breed bacteria, so wash your hair as soon as possible after drying. Hair dryer when used from the hair 20-30 cm away, while not a long time blowing in front of a place. When the hot air blowing into the seven or eight dry, to change with cold wind, is conducive to protecting the scalp and stereotypes.

  4, eat more tomatoes, citrus

  Smoking harm, affect the scalp blood circulation, adverse hair growth, should try to quit. People really can not do without tobacco, diet should pay attention to eat more tomatoes, citrus and other fruits to supplement vitamin C.

  5, do not eat before going to bed

  Eclipse, eclipse, eat fast food, are detrimental to healthy hair, especially before going to sleep to maintain fasting state, otherwise it will affect the blood circulation and accelerate hair loss.

  6, before 10 pm to sleep

  10:00 to 2:00 in the morning, the hair mother cell metabolism in an active state, is the hair growth of the "golden age." Therefore, it is best to fall asleep before 10 pm.

Too Tight Ponytail Can Cause Hair Loss

Too Tight Ponytail Can Cause Hair Loss

in order not to loose, you have to tie the hair tightly? From now on, you tie the hair when the loose some of it, because the tail tied too tight, prone to hair loss. Yesterday, a message on the microblogging has been recognized by experts: the old Zama tail braided easy hair loss. However, the experts told reporters, from the clinical point of view, now due to excessive pressure, more and more urban white-collar workers have a serious phenomenon of hair loss.

   Micro-Bo said the old ponytail easily hair loss, because researchers in South Africa survey found that about 1/3 of women with traction alopecia, because long-term excessive stretch hair. In response, doctors recommend women less ponytail, or a variety of styles to change the comb. Comb hair when the action should be gentle, try not to use nylon comb and head brush, because they are prone to static electricity, stimulate the hair and scalp.

  Yesterday, the Chinese University Hospital dermatologist Zhang Jingdong, chief physician, told reporters that the clinical, such patients less, but does have a "stretch of hair loss" this type, mainly long-term hair loss caused by traction, the occurrence of hair Tied into a relationship with certain hair. Zama tail is one of them, Zhama tail of the hair loss area mainly in the forehead and temples. She had received an 8-year-old girl, other parts of the hair is very dense, is the forehead, hair is sparse. Her mother anxious, little girl less than 10 years old, how to so hair loss? Zhang Jingdong after an interrogation, found no other reason, mainly tied hair too tight lead, it is recommended to cut short hair, and later for some time, this little girl will not lose hair.