Friday, August 28, 2015

Alopecia Areata Causes Stress? Is This True The Hair Loss Disease Caused by Stress?

Alopecia Areata Causes Stress? Is This True The Hair Loss Disease Caused by Stress?

We have to know what Alopecia Areata surely is. It known as losing hair disease, there are 3 types or kinds of alopecia ; Areata, Totalis, and Universalis. Click the blue Link for More Information.

What Is Alopecia Areata?

Alopecia is an Old Greek Terms That Literary means “Fox Disease”(Fox Changing Fur Twice A year), then Areata means “Occuring Patches of circumscribed  area”. Alopecia Areata appears just in some round/areas( Not totally Hair Loss in human’s head ), it causes by the autoimmune condition. The immune such wrong targeted, it destroys the hair follicles that can cause hair loss.

This Hairloss disease causes by stress? It’s pretty make sense, because both problems are affects from the immune. When Human feel so stress, there will be such a disorder immune condition that this condition can also make some hair loss or Alopecia.

Alopecia Areata Causes Stress
Alopecia Areata Causes Stress

But not all the People that had some stress encounter this hair loss, And so Not All the Alopecia’s victim is caused by stress but they have possibilities to be linked because they have the similar condition of disorder immune.

So, Alopecia Areata can be true as Alopecia Totalis. From the patches / area of baldness or hair loss, there will be such invasion of the immune disorder to attacks Hair Follicles wider.

The treatment before you get the Totalis Alopecia :

  • -          Injects some steroids inside the skin
  • -          Consuming drugs that is contain corticosteroids, applied  Minoxidil and also Immunotheapy
  • -          Ultraviolet treatment

Just be aware with the signs that you might encounter alopecia, first you will feel like your hair scalp is itchy and such like “burning”  Then, there will be at least two patches of hair loss. If you get the signs, just stay away from stress and get the treatment quickly before it turns to Alopecia Totalis, even  Universalis.